Tuesday 24 September 2013

Tray 1

I'm supposed to changing trays on Friday but I was feeling that my aligner was becoming very loose and I could lift it off with my tongue. I also found a crack on my top aligner!! But anyway decided to change early because I'm very impatient. When people say that invisalign weeks go so fast, they're lying. I mean it could just be that this was my first tray, but the week went so slow, it felt like ages since i went to see my orthodontists and it was only less than 2 weeks ago!

Here are some pictures of what my teeth look like after tray one. There is so no difference at all, I think this tray was just a training tray to get my teeth used to it or maybe a "primer" tray to get the teeth a bit looser ready for real movement.

So I've put the trays in and it seems that my bottom tray doesn't fit me!! My two back molars on my right side don't seem to be fitting into the trays and so whenever i bite down it just bounces back up, kinda feels spongy. Please, if you've ever had this problem tell me how to fix it because I'm scared xD

I'm getting my attachments (all 21) on 11th Oct! Will update then!

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